VON HALLERS GIN der Hardenberg-Wilthen AG
  • Company:

    Hardenberg-Wilthen AG

  • Sector:


  • Type of packaging:

    Floor display

  • Product:


Exclusive and extraordinary floor display for extraordinary gin

Those were the requirements of Hardenberg-Wilthen AG presented to THIMM for the marketing of the new VON HALLERS GIN. The result is a floor display in the form of a greenhouse and incorporating the design of VON HALLERS GIN. The presentation of the products with steps in the display guarantees an extraordinary and optimal impact. Eighteen bottles of the premium gin can be placed on the pedestal and are also accessible from all sides; special and unique in design. The VON HALLERS GIN floor display also convinces with simple handling, in addition to a recurring and unique design. Customers are provided with information on VON HALLERS GIN on the back of the display.

The VON HALLERS GIN floor display is the winner of the gold POPAI Award 2018 in the "Beverages, Tobacco” category!

Special features of a "distinguished" floor Display

The VON HALLERS GIN floor display unites design, simplicity and competence. These ingredients resulted in a successful display. A floor display that was presented with the golden Indian in 2018 in the context of the POPAI D-A-CH Awards. We at THIMM are proud of this and of our customer, the Hardenberg-Wilthen AG.

"We already decided that THIMM is the right partner for us with the initial communication. We were convinced by the initial drafts for the display. It was important to us to have a partner at our side that is competent and can act quickly. Thanks to the transparency within the project, it was possible to also quickly establish the confidence and the good foundation required for possible future projects."

Carolin Müller
Marketing Manager at Hardenberg-Wilthen AG

"Cooperation based on trust is the basis of a business relationship. Together with Mrs Müller and the Hardenberg-Wilthen AG Team, we developed an unmistakable display that incorporates the history and the design of VON HALLERS GIN. Despite the complexity, we were at all times able to quickly find uncomplicated Solutions."

Werner Schatton
Account Manager at THIMM

VON HALLERS GIN as a successful premium product

Since 2016, the premium VON HALLERS GIN has complemented the product portfolio of the Hardenberg-Wilthen AG with a regional connection with Göttingen. Harvested in Lower Saxony and distilled in Ireland, VON HALLERS GIN is a gin in a class of its own.
This unique speciality made up of aromatic juniper, fresh ginger and mild citrus nuances is convincing. As a “Culinary Ambassador of Lower Saxony”, VON HALLERS GIN is part of a series of excellent food products in Lower Saxony that stand for tradition, innovation and taste. The brand name is a homage to the physicist, botanist and poet Albrecht von Haller. As a co-founder of the botanical garden in Göttingen in 1736, Albrecht von Haller contributed decisively to establishing botany in urban Göttingen.
Ingredients selected by hand from the botanical garden were also used and distilled with care in Ireland.

A family business for more than 300 years

The Hardenberg-Wilthen AG is a Lower Saxony family business with its head office in Nörten-Hardenberg and other branch offices in Wilthen and Mainz. The family business has been among the top 3 manufacturers of spirits since its founding in 1700. Justifiably! This is because, in addition to the Wilthener brand, one of the best-selling spirits brands in Germany, the company positions itself successfully in all important markets with other brands.
This is also demonstrated by the German "Brand of the Century" prize received in the “Spirits” category.
The tusker is more than a trademark for the family business. It stands for history and tradition combined with enthusiasm and success.

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