• Company:


  • Sector:

    Sweets & Snacks

  • Type of display:

    Pallet displays

  • Product:


Customised and flexible display solutions for Genuport

German supermarkets are filling their shelves with more and more American sweets which are being enthusiastically accepted by consumers. Genuport Trade GmbH, which imports well-known food-brands from more than 20 different countries and manages the marketing and sales in Germany for these brands, is responsible for the market launches of such new products. To ensure that Reese’s branded products create high-impact in retail outlet placements, THIMM has developed a display concept for Genuport that is both flexible and adaptable, can also be used seasonally- and for different promotional campaigns.

The stable sweets-display is made from sustainable double-wall corrugated cardboard, providing the individual levels with a load capacity of up to 20 kg. One of the special design features of the display concept is its quick and easy assembly. The sweet-display is delivered flat-packed in quarter-pallet-dimensions and is set up in no time at all thanks to the adhesive.
Further design advantages of the sweets-display can be seen in its extensive flexibility. The trays on the individual levels can be combined as desired so that the entire Reese’s range can be presented in different combinations. The trays can also be locked both straight and diagonally into the individual levels so that both standing and flat sweets can be seen and removed as easily as possible. The look of the sweets-display can be changed depending on the types and quantities of the products within it -along with additional advertising space for high-impact customer targeting. To achieve this, printed panels can be placed between the products on the levels in the sweet-display.
The sweets-display can also be used as a campaign display which means that the entire display no longer needs to be replaced to reflect specific seasonal campaigns. Thanks to this flexible and adaptable display concept toppers can be replaced very quickly and easily. Therefore, the base of the sweets-display can continue to be used for short-term promotions and only the topper needs to be replaced. The sweets-display provides a large design- and advertising space for an attention-grabbing and targeted customer approach at the POS. The printable topper of the sweets-display has a large advertising space for exciting and unique designs, such as a football-promotion in early 2022

“This display concept gives us the greatest possible flexibility to respond to different customer requirements and distribution conditions. Not only can we present the entire product portfolio in different ways, the display also gives us the opportunity to communicate individual campaigns. Many other departments in our company, including purchasing, logistics, master data and, last but not least sales, are also benefiting from these synergies and the reduction in complexity.”

“We collaborated extremely closely with Genuport to create this extraordinary display for the Reese’s brand. It was developed from a standard concept then enhanced with customised elements making it suitable for all product units from the range. This has given it total versatility which can be further adapted by different panels and toppers to reflect different promotional campaigns.”

Design features and benefits of the sweets- displays for chocolate

  • Eye-catching sales promotion: Displays act as eye-catching brand ambassadors in secondary placements, where products are presented in an appealing way to create purchase incentives. Printed using the offset printing process, the sweets-display provides sufficient design and advertising space for a high-impact and targeted customer approach at the POS. The sweets-display has been designed to match the product design, ensuring total alignment with the brand image of Reese’s. The attractive and eye-catching brand communication of the sweets-display has been designed as a sales promotional measure at the POS and to increase both awareness and sales.
  • User-friendly handling: Easy assembly of the sweets-display means it is quick and easy to set-up in retail outlets.
  • 100% flexible use: The special design feature of the sweets-display is that it can be used both as a standard and a promotional display. The base of the sweets-display can be combined flexibly with toppers in different designs to implement short-term promotional-campaigns such as for Halloween or the season highlight in American football. This is why the flexible usage of the sweets-display delivers a big value-add.
  • 100% flexibility for different combinations: The modular structure of the sweets-display ensures different combinations of the entire Reese’s range can be displayed. The sweets-display therefore offers total flexibility in the presentation of the product range, thereby ensuring that Genuport can offer an individual display to each customer. Decisions on which fillings to place in the sweets-display can therefore be made individually on a display by display basis or by each individual retail outlet.
  • 100% flexibility for the presentation of goods: The sweets-display also provides total flexibility when it comes to presenting the goods. For optimum product visibility in the individual levels of the sweets-display, the trays can be used to position the products straight or at an angle. A filler panel can also be inserted between the trays and this can be locked in a straight or angled position to match the products. This makes the fillings in the sweets-display look very different.

Ecological features for the sweets-display for chocolate

  • With sustainable packaging material such as corrugated cardboard, you are contributing to environmental protection by reducing the use of plastic.
  • Corrugated cardboard consists exclusively of renewable raw materials and can be easily recycled into the reusable material cycle.
  • Facilitate recycling after the sales process: Displays and packaging made from corrugated cardboard can be easily disposed of with waste paper.

Would you like to present your products in an eye-catching way?

Sina zum Berge

Sina zum Berge
New Account Specialist
+49 5551 703 0