Sustainability Reports
Transparent reporting since 2014
The Sustainability Report discloses the economic, environmental and social impacts of our core business.
Transparent information, stakeholder communication and documentation of our developments – our Sustainability Report fulfils many functions.
Our Sustainability Reports cover the most important sustainability issues and key performance indicators.
Waste management
Waste quantities, hazardous and non-hazardous waste proportions
CO2e emissions
CO2e footprint of the THIMM Group and emissions in the three scopes
Procurement materials and quantities
Use of resources
Energy, raw materials and water
Company Profile
Sites, sales and product portfolio
Age structure, women in management positions and apprentices

Report on objectives, achievements and progress
Sustainability reporting promotes corporate responsibility at THIMM. Our guiding principle is our long-term thought-process, with our sustainable actions making us a reliable partner.
In our sustainability reports we regularly and transparently present relevant information about our sustainability practices, successes and challenges, impacts and activities of an industrial company.
Download our Sustainability Reports
You can read in our Sustainability Reports about how we have moved forward in the area of sustainability in recent years.
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Do you have any questions about our reporting?

Stefanie Martin
Senior Corporate Responsibility Manager
+49 5551 703 844