THIMM Tychy site

Tychy site

  • History:


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Purchase packaging from the packaging manufacturer in Tychy

Retail packaging


Zur Verkaufsförderung und Warenpräsentation im Einzelhandel.

Shipping boxes


Für den Versand von Waren im E-Commerce.

Food packaging


Zertifiziert für den Lebensmitteldirektkontakt.

FEFCO packaging


Verpackungen nach standardisiertem, internationalem FEFCO-ESBO-Code.

Modular standard displays


Modulares Displaykonzept für eine flexible, schnelle Umsetzung.

Pallet displays


Individuelle Warenpräsentation am POS und Transporteinheit in einem.

Floor-standing displays


Individuelle und aufmerksamkeitsstarke Bodenaufsteller für den POS.

Counter displays


Effektive Aufsteller und Dekorationen für den POS.

Innovative packaging from Tychy, Poland

TOP THIMM at the Tychy site

Packaging by a professional from Tychy

TOP.THIMM, the packaging manufacturer in Tychy – a site with a long history. The plant which has been producing corrugated cardboard for many years was built back in 1887. The site has been part of THIMM since 2011. The site has been continuously expanded and modernised. An area of over 30,000 square metres has now been built and the entire area is now more than twice as big as formerly. Annually it produces around 160 million square metres of corrugated cardboard.

Certified premium quality from Tychy

PDF download
CU-COC-820260 2.09 MB
PDF download
0198 100 00446 425.28 KB
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0198 104 2141475 424.43 KB
PDF download
18921-SCS-001 518.92 KB
PDF download
01 213 2141476 389.58 KB
PDF download
C534487 121.66 KB

Company Documentation

PDF download
195.88 KB
PDF download
174.24 KB

Do you have a question or would you like to present a project to us?

THIMM corporate head office in Northeim

How to reach us

+49 5551 703 0

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How to find your packaging manufacturer in Tychy

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For visitors

TOP-THIMM Opakowania Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

ul. Katowicka 188
43-100 Tychy

+48 327933 300

Parking spaces are available.

For suppliers

TOP-THIMM Opakowania Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

ul. Katowicka 188
43-100 Tychy

+48 327933 300

Goods-in opening hours
Sunday 22:00 to Saturday 06:00

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