75 years of THIMM: Expansion to the east after the fall of the wall
News | 27/03/2024

Boldly leading the way
The wall between East and West Germany fell in 1989. Klaus Thimm recognised a historical opportunity to advance the company further and immediately got down to business:
on 1 February 1991, he bought an industrial site in Eberswalde, Brandenburg, where the fourth THIMM plant was to find its home. The ground-breaking ceremony took place on 21 February of the same year, and the production facility was equipped with a corrugator and five production lines. Things continued at this pace: the first 22 employees were hired on 1 April, followed by the next 30 in June. After successful test runs in December 1991, regular production started in January 1992.
After only a short time, the Eberswalde plant experienced a high demand for modern packaging and quickly became just as high-performing as its sister plants in western Germany. Thanks to Klaus Thimm’s pioneering spirit, the THIMM plant in Eberswalde was the first new building far and wide after the fall of the Berlin Wall and a trailblazer for many other companies – and this courage is still paying off today.

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